Featured Business

Showcase your business in our award-winning apps Tagwhat and Feed.

Get My Business Featured

Smart, Mobile Marketing

Your business will be highlighted in our "Featured Business" Channel in both of our popular Tagwhat and Feed apps. A powerful way to deliver real-time news, offers, and messages to mobile users at the right place and the right time.

No Developers Required

Update content in real-time with our simple dashboard. Last-minute happy hour? Just add the details and nearby mobile users will see it instantly. Change it as often as you'd like. A loving specialist will give you a guided tour of your dashboard and make sure everything is set up RIGHT.

Mobile Optimized Content

You have a beautiful website, online ordering, social media, email, phone, maybe even a blog. Tagwhat makes it simple for mobile users to access all this information in one place with a single click. No searching. Just engagement.

Hyperlocal Targeting

Reach the specific people who are most likely to act on your offers and information and become actual customers. Because that's what really matters.

Your Social Media Where it Matters

Instead of blasting your social media updates to the entire world, uniquely deliver Facebook posts and Tweets to nearby mobile users who can actually take action.

Get My Business Featured